

Anne-Sophie Guerrier and her Montmartre troop
represent the Île-de-France Region on France 3

What will be the best folk song in France?

Anne-Sophie's atypical side, bringing Realist Song up to date, and her love for this era of taverns and the Montmartre district, were a major argument for her selection as representative of Île-de-France. -France at the Grand Concours des Régions.

Filmed in February 2023 on stage at the Royal Palace in Kirrwiller, the program was broadcast on Friday January 5 in Prime-Time on France 3.

Hosted by one of France TV's flagship presenters, Cyril Féraud, this program highlights traditional songs from the French regions: Corsican polyphonies, Basque, Breton, Alsatian, Provençal, Tahitian, Mahorese songs... but also those of Île-de-France, with its taverns and with Montmartre, its “village” of artists.

The jury composed of André Manoukian, Marie Myriam, Vincent Niclo and Magali Ripoll has the mission of deciding between the different regions.

A tribute to Montmartre and the taverns

Anne-Sophie therefore chose to cover realistic songs from the interwar period to highlight the songs of her region.

Anne-Sophie and her Montmartre troupe, made up of 5 musicians, Antoine Beux, Yann Cotty, Alexandre Desenfant, Julien Nativel and Clément Smadja as well as three poulbots led by master drummer Joël Ben Hayoun, dynamically represented the Île-de-France region. France and the Montmartre. Under the aegis of the Ah! Production and director Stéphane Jarny, and with the participation of dancers from the Royal Palace, the taverns on the banks of the Seine et Marne and those of Montmartre came to life for the duration of a song.

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